I’m so incredibly excited about this challenge we made, not only because of all of this robots around me but because of the potential of what Otto is becoming thanks to the participation of the community.
Before the challenge there were already some really good robot remixes, you show us that you can design and create new Ottos, but with this challenge we wanted to reach the true potential with more creativity, having a good documentation and giving incentives to promote a fun competition.
You just show us that you can make very innovative Ottos thanks to all sharing our knowledge together in an open matter, that was the main reason for this challenge. We team up with Wikifactory as a host for the documentation and main promoter, to make a very fun and rewarding challenge.
what happened?
So we came together as a community to create the next generation of educational robots. We see all kinds of submissions from very simple cute ones to advanced mechanisms and shapes altogether but most importantly, an organized database of open robots in Wikifactory that contribute into making robotics education more accessible to anyone in the world.

To check the details of what was the contest about the rules, process, invited judges and criteria for evaluation please check this previous post on this topic: https://www.ottodiy.com/blog/challenge
Before the challenge there were mainly 37 projects related to Otto (collected from 2016 at least the ones in Wikifactory) now in a few months thanks to this challenge, there are over 73 projects and more than 100 re-designs, remixes or similar robots inspired by Otto out there, i believe, we need to organize them together, please help us!.
We double it! maybe the numbers don't sound like many compared with other design competition?
We see the success in the quality of the participants, creativity and most important good documentation.

Today is the day! we are gonna finally announce the winners of this amazing challenge, i bet you're a bit anxious but finally here are the results!
We appreciate all the entries and decided to go through all of them with you. Before announcing the winners let’s have a quick view to the list of participants:
Quad; a mix of Otto and a spider, https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/otto-quad
Rover; a mix of 2 opensource projects, https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/rover
Otto Wheels, now Otto can move faster! https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/w , 3-4 designs from the same Otto Builder, Jason thanks for all your contributions!
Fiberbot; a walking 3D printed filament spool robot, https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/fiberbot
Robonino; Ultimaker fans may recognize this robot appearance, https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/robonino
Otto Punk; Otto with a hairstyle! (https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/ottodiy-punk)
Bender, for Futurama fans (https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/bender-arms)
Plasteac; A walking Teapot robot, how funny is that, https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/plasteac
Evil and
Grim reaper, 2 separate entries of Halloween costumes for Otto https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/ottoween
Santa and
Nut Cracker https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/santa-claus-nutcracker
Microbit biped https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/microbit-biped
From the creator of Bob the first opensource biped now with arms https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/bobotto
Otto got married in this 2 adorable remix https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/marriage
The full ceremony here! (https://youtu.be/fMlU1hTTF6A)
IcBob smart use of power bank https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/icbob
One eye Otto :O https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/eye
Otto Turtle now Oto can draw and move precisely thanks to this clever design, https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/otto-turtle-drawing-robot
Chaplin, now Otto is a retro comedian looking like Charlie Chaplin by the way made by 10 years old! https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/otto-chaplin
From Prusa Lab the creators of the best opensource 3D printer; a cool Otto that can rotate the head: https://wikifactory.com/@prusalab/ottodiy-head-extension,
With anti slip shoes! https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/ottobot-antislip-shoes-00a11
They also made an Otto with a security camera, https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/ottonic
Bob-303 Otto with more articulated legs and using raspberry Pi, https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/bob-303
A quick way to assemble the ultrasound, https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/wombatics-otto
Zeus an Otto that can bite and has cute LED eyes expressions, https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/ottobite
Otto made into an Alpaca! https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/alpaca-otto
Otto like Baymax the inflatable robot from big hero 6 https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/otto-baymax-remix
Otto made of balsa https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/wotto
Another wood Otto but with Arduino UNO https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/otto-for-arduinouno
Batbox even do it does not have legs, it uses all codes and parts an Otto will https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/bat-bot
Dino-Otto a Tyrannosaurus Rex mod of Otto https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/dino-otto
A must do, Otto made of Legos https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/legotto-diy
Otto Droid design based on the star wars robot https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/star-wars-gonk-droid
You can browse through all the entries yourself and more Otto DIY robot remixes here: https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/projects
Thanks to Wikifactory for running it with us. Learn more about their amazing platform on their website.
A total of 36 entries! Thank you so much to everyone that participated in the #OttoREMIXchallenge!, we are very happy to see all these amazing entries. This is exactly what we wanted, people from the community coming together and creating so that more can get inspired, I can't wait to see what else everyone comes up with in the future.
Unfortunately we cant reward them all, cant we?, well we can! all entries that are fully documented will get automatically one year of PRO member subscription in Wikifactory for free! well deserve to all for your great effort, you all won also by contributing to this robot community and learning a lot in the process i bet.
For the main prizes we have to decide, it was not easy at all , but with the help of the judges we voted and here it comes the results:
3rd place with a Otto DIY Builder kit as a price, goes to small genius in growth, Thelmo the creator of Chaplin remix!, even though it was not the best, the main reason it was selected was because the great photo documentation and very funny presentation final video.
2nd place with a Otto DIY Builder kit+ as a price it got many likes of the community, it goes to a robot that even includes his own mobile application, Baymax remix! by Mario Josué, again very good documentation and adding elements like it own app to control Otto with voice commands!
will get builder kit+. check the demonstrative video here: https://wikifactory.com/+OttoDIY/otto-baymax-remix/file/Demostrative_video.mp4
the most liked by the community with more than 350 likes Alpaca!, remix by Jean Pierre he will get a Maker kit Humanoid
The winners of this DIY printer goes to: Turtle, remix by Albert Mazur
Not only made a completely new function from Otto but the documentation was the best made with details and including all files organized and well presented.
We hope the winners continue their projects to the maximum extent by keeping the documentation updated. As we might run future competitions and you can participate again!
And we have a bonus prize for an Otto Builder, we thought it was important to recognize the work, effort and support of a particular member, that have started with us from the start, made 3 great remixes, and continues giving amazing contributions in all ways to the project and the community. Jason! he will get a t’shirt and the new Otto eyes remix kit!
So hope you like this challenge and if you missed it, or did not win don't worry! We will have more contests coming soon, we are gonna make the submission process also easier and make some tutorials of how to design robots, stay tuned!, be prepared with your Otto designs and publish them early in Wikifactory. We will keep an eye on them and reward them. Even without a challenge, we will be sending more robot kits, merchandise and giveaways, to members of the community that support the project in multiple ways.
Tell us also what other robots could have been made?
Any ideas for the next challenge?, tell us in the comments!